We could actually be moved into the house above by the 2nd week of July...
I have been almost holding my breath since the moment we saw this house the very first time....part of me never really believed that it could happen. It answers all our needs on so many levels.
If lucky, we will be all moved in before Chris' children arrive on the 11th of july! How cool is that!
I am beside myself with excitement, emotion, and a million other things going through my head, not to mention counting boxes in my head ....oh I need bubble wrap! lol
WEll, many many photos will be posted when the time comes..I have to many ppl already wanting to see everything...untill the house is actually ours, the photos I have already wont be posted..but I just had to show u the front atleast lol.
All your well wishes and encouragements up till now have been very appreciated and I am sure they worked in our favour karmicly lol!