Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I had a wonderful afternoon today! I was able to reunite with a friend I hadn't seen in almost 30 yrs! It's those moments you realize that time really does fly by! To be honest, it can also be abit intimidating to be 30 yrs older and on your way to meet such an old friend...but again, life is too short to let such things hold you back.
I was so excited to see Darryl again and meet his wife Barb...truth be told, he looks terrific and very happy. Within a few minutes, his wife seemed like someone we had known for yrs also. Very genuine and generous of nature. It's not always easy for spouses, when 2 ppl who went to school together start comparing notes and naming names lol...but Barb and Chris seemed to take us in stride and even got on well talking to eachother while Darryl and I reminised.
If there was one down side to the day it was that originaly, the plan was for them to come to our house to spend the whole day. Unfortunately it couldn't happen so we met them at one of our favorite restaurants in downtown Montreal instead for lunch...So the plan is for us to get together again some time!
The visit was to short lived, and I would love to make new

Darryl Kari & I (March 31/2010)
Darryl and next time...hopefully staying in our home or if we go out your way in future...Chris and I look forward to sharing more good conversations.....
Darryl Kari & his wife Barb (March 31/2010)
more stories and adventures and continued friendship!
Thanks for a great afternoon!....

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Hortense & Matilda have relatives!

As I start my 48th yr, as it was my 47th bday has become more then apparent that theres some things we just have to deal with and try to do it with either humour or good graces!

I know what I want for my bday, just need to go get it for myself this week...or as SOON AS I POSSIBLY CAN! Let me explain.....

Couple weeks ago, Chris and I were shopping at a house wares store, and while in the bathroom section I see some mirrors. I found myself propelled towards a round mirror that had a long folding arm. The arm is meant to be attached to the wall, so u can pull it out and possition as needed etc...I have found in the past yrs that my eyesight has done that AGE thing, where u have to back up about 10 feet to see the writting on the wall so to speak..ARGH.. so yes, I have found myself stacking the rooms with those little reading glasses..atleast to make it fun, I have accumulated some really cute, colourful ones for chuckles, I look so cute with my pink ones decked with sparkly fleur d'ly accents on them while reading in the bathtub .....I digress..... back to said mirror..well I thought this mirror was briliant! But WAIT it gets better! as I approuch I notice it has 5X magnifying on it, so I had to look closer, ...OMG! I was so shocked, I almost backed into the display behind me! Seriously, there should be a warning/disclamer label on these things...(OBJECTS SEEN WILL APPEAR LARGER AND OUT OF NOWHERE TO SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF YOU AND EMBARRASE HARDENED CRIMINALS EVEN!)

So after my heartrate becomes stable I reapprouch tentitavely as not to startle my brain again...but mostly to confirm the worst.....Holy Crap Batman, it's true...Hortense and Matilda my two regularly reoccuring chin hairs have relatives!! (Yes I named my 2 chin hairs, as I got so used to seeing them over and over again, it just seemed fitting to me....)

So here I am thinking I should join the freaking circus! as the bearded lady, this is just WRONG WRONG WRONG!... how the hell have I been walking around in public like this, sheesh, it's a wonder I haven't already tripped on the damn invasion! I was mortifyed and vowed that I needed this miracle of mirrors...but I had to wait, as it was more then my budget would allow for as I sit here longing for the perfect solution to my utter embarrasement, I am wondering if I should find names for the new relatives.......maybe not as I will be going to get my mirror on Monday YAY!

As for my birthday itself, I had a wonderful day! I got all dolled up...with extra care, as I wanted to take some new bday photos before heading out the door and before my makeup fell off lol. Makeup is my friend!

47th Birthday ( 3

We went out for a nice supper then off to the Montreal Casino. It has become a tradition for the last 4 yrs...We set a budget and stuck to it. We didnt bring more money home but we had alot of fun trying! We made it last hours and even had one machine give me 2 hours of fun for only a few bucks! Bless Chris, because we got home at 2:30 am, and he had to get up for work this morning early. He is so good to me..and wouldn't have me cashing out the machine so we could leave...He said, just play it out, it's your night, enjoy it!

As I am now officially in my late 40's I can safely say I am happy and proud. Although I am getting older...I have also been on a road to better health for the past few yrs. The new wrinkles and gray hair I see, have been earned and I hope there's still alot of room for new things to be learned!