Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I really find it hard to believe that my only child turned 20 today! I mean really..20? How can that be, I still feel 28 like when I had her...ok, depends on the day but STILL!
Alas it's true, she is no longer a teen and I am no longer in my 20's lol. But she will ALWAYS be my little girl no matter what age.
She couldn't wait to turn 20, said she was past being a "teen" lol..I remember feeling that way, most of us did. We figure out eventually that time does fly by us doesn't it.
So today, we met up with Cleo in Montreal as she had half a day of school only. Was a good thing too as she has been super sick since last week with a really bad case of tonsilitis, could barely talk. Today she was better as the antibiotics finally started to kick in. She certainly isn't 100% but glad she had some time to spend with us on her bday.
We did some shopping on St Catherines , downtown Montreal..and ofcourse mom needs pics no matter how crappy she feels lol, only turn 20 once!
Cleo's 20th bday St Catherines Montreal 4
Cleo's 20th bday St Catherines Montreal
After that, we went to a great fushion resturant that has sushi and japanese food. Both Cleo and Chris' daughter Mahault love sushi, and Chris and I don't but we like japanese food so its perfect!
CLEO's 20th bday 7
For her bday , she asked for a good camera. Last yr in college, she had to rent a digital from school for many of her projects and found that she loved photography and even got paid for some work with photos...so because it was a big ticket item I agreed but only if her Dad pitched in and she also paid a 3rd of the cost....Only because I know by investing herself, she would be that much more reponsible for it. She worked alot over the summer and continues to work school schedule permitting...So...we got her a really nice kit that anyone would be lucky to have...
CLEO's 20th bday 11
CLEO's 20th bday 8
CLEO's 20th bday 10
Chris and his daughter Mahault....
CLEO's 20th bday 1
Me and Chris...
CLEO's 20th bday 3
Had a great meal, toasted Cleo's birthday..( here legal drinking age is 18) and enjoyed some fried icecream lol...
I am afraid to blink for fear that when I reopen my eyes, she will be 40! (and I will be 68!) lol

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Canadian Maple Spread..

As I had company coming from the states recently, I thought, what could I make as a gift that is typically Canadian.

I found a recipe for Maple Spread! It was really simple and delicious, if I do say so myself.

Before starting though, I wanted to prepare something cute to put it in as I was giving some as a gift. So I went to the dollar start to get inspired lol...

It really is a terrific place to get some ideas that don't cost an arm...

I found some great jars that have a rubber seal..some rafia..and some plastic maple leaves...I had some some sticky lables and a pretty stamp...and voila..pretty and yummy .....

Home made maple spread  1

Home made maple spread 2

and btw, she loved it! We shared some here and I sent her home with some..Recipe below if you want it.


-1 cup cooking cream (15%)

-2 egge yokes

-1 cup real maple syrup

-3 tbsp corn starch

-2 tbsp cold water

-3-4 drops of vanilla

In a pot wisk the cream and egg yokes together. Add the maple syrup and bring to a boil on med heat. Aside, mix the cornstarch and cold water....then while continued mixing, add to the pot....Mix smoothly till mixure thickens...then pour into you containers..let cool before refrigerating....



So as my shape starts to take shape so to speak...it has given me a wisp of confidense. I say wisp because I have a very long way to go to attain any kind of real big result. But until then, I can proudly say, I have lost a few inches most everywhere. My weight hasn't moved much but my shape has definately started to change.

My last blood work up and and doctors appointment a cpl weeks ago was very uplifting. My doctor was all smiles and anxious for me to get in her office to show me the numbers lol...Basically, my work up was showing numbers of a person who had NEVER had diabetis! She was so impressed, and kept saying she was proud of me lol...I can also bet, it's nice for a doctor to see a patient get healthier with each visit, rather then the contrary that is more often the case....

Down 7 lbs, not alot but good nonetheless...and we were able to take another medication off the list...cholesterol med was a low dose as a precaution, especially when I was diabetic...but now with my working out, and my numbers being so good...we can scratch it! That makes 8 meds down, in a 2 yr period! I am thrilled!

As of now, I only have 3 left....1 for my slow thyroid..that will be a lifetime medication...1 for restless leg syndrome, that will also be around for ever, unless I want to kick all night lol, and lastly, one for BP, but not for my heart, it also protects the kidneys, and as they were damaged when my diabetis was bad, it has helped things get better over time..they have healed greatly in 2 yrs, so we hope to be able to eliminate that one with time....I have to say, I was almost skipping on my way out of the doctors office!

As things continue, I have enjoyed the great sales on clothes. So after going down a few sizes, it's been a real pleasure trying things on, modeling for my ever patient and encouraging husband..and even gathered the courage to try on a real pair of jeans. I have always been of the opinion that jeans do nothing but excentuate the worst on ppl that are very voluptuous for the most part lol ...It has been atleast 10 yrs since I put a pair of jeans on. So yes, I finally tryed some one..and voila...here and above, I am wearing my first pair of jeans in many yrs lol...I have to say, I like then ....

First pair of jeans in 10 yrs & blonder still

Oddly enough, they give me a new confidense that I can start fitting into more hip..current things...rather then just strive for something to fit period!

Got my hair trimmed and coloured this week also..it's abit blonder then last time, I like it...

As a totally unrelated bonus this week, I got a new washer/dryer set! Or should I call it a home entertainment center instead?...I say that because I am so in love with then, that I can just sit there and happily watch them go round and round...enjoy the bells and whistles..listen to the silence of them, or dance to the little jingle they chime when done, rather then the atrocious BUZZZ the other ones had...that would wake the dead! I am thrilled as u can tell! .. As I am washing for 7 ppl, my old set was just too small and I really wanted a set with a Sanitary option when needed, as I am dealing with clients with special needs and situations.

New washer/dryer set, yay!

Needless to say, I have been washing everything I can get my hands on this week lol! I hope to sell my old set, they work well, and would be perfect for someone starting out who wants a small frontal set.....

Oh, must go..my dryer just started singing for me again...later!


This past week has been filled with lot's of new beginnings.

School is definately in session!

My daughter Cleo, after having graduated college last spring, just started University in a 3 yr bachelors program that only choose 20 students per yr!Design for theatre that will cover everything from building sets, to designing and sewing costumes, graphics, model building, computer programs...u name it they will work with it or create it. As I have mentioned before, I am very proud of her!

My step daughter Mahault, just started her 2nd yr in college, she did very well last yr, working towards getting to university to eventually become a sexologist, we are very proud of her!

Last but not least! Chris started back at University! after an absense of over 20 yrs ! I am thrilled and very proud of him! He is getting a certificate in Industrial project management.
My one stipulation was that he wasn't allowed any keg parties or bringing home any female homework partners lmao!
First day of university..after 20 yrs
First day of school, 2010
The week was filled with adrenalin to say the least lol..
Two of my clients started back at their program/school also. One has a 5 day schedule since he has been going for yrs now, our other guy only has 1 day a week for now as he is new in the region, they need to make sure he fits in ok, and hopefully availability with classes will alow him to have more days with time..fingers crossed.
As for me...things are pretty routine, Luke , our blind, mute will be home with me as usual. But I will have to get used to having a house full of students! Me thinks the oldest one, my husband will need some getting used too LOL...