Thursday, December 16, 2004

Dear Santa

Here is the deal. I have this online wishlist but when I actually tryed to order one or two things these stores didn't want my money. Something about it not being green , wtf?? So anyway I was wondering if your not to busy on the eve of Christmas if you could swoop down and pick me up a few things on your way back home? It's on your way since I live in the great white &%?!@* North too. .........Promise to put some warm brandy in our Coacoa if you want...hugs 0x0x


rfun6 said...

I wish I could afford to get you everything on your list. Cause you are so sweet. So if it is the thought that counts, then you got everything there and more. :)

Moon said...

AHHHH Squirrels hun, I love you too...

Amanda said...

Moonie, if i had a job, id send ya something.

rfun6 said...

I wanted to let you know I got the very beautiful christmas card that you sent. Thanks so much. It made my day!!! Your sweet. :)