Monday, April 18, 2005

My Missing Half

Well he is off. Just pulled out of the driveway. Hidden tears behind his blinking eyes as he drove off and my now free falling tears as I watch him in the distance. So far I think this will be the hardest separation for me. Oddly it isn't the longest. The first year we dated we had to go over a month between some visits. But knowing he was only 3 hours away made it different. This trip is taking him to europe, Paris France to be exact. In all if I count now I won't see him for 12 days. I know some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking..OH BROTHER..GET OVER IT!!..and some may be right but those who really know us will understand. Since Chris moved in over 2 years ago we have basically been attached at the hip lol. So this will be a long ass 12 days. Ok, enough of my wallowing comes the good part.

...I am truelly thrilled he is going back home. He hasn't seen his kids in almost 3 years. YES it's a very long time. He has done as much as he could by phone or internet as often as possible but it's just not the same as being able to hug or goof around with them in person. He has a son 11 and daughter 13.

BRIEF HISTORY;- (This separation or distance from his children have not been of his choice, just to clearify to those who may be curious. It has been the result of his now ex moving back to France even after agreeing to shared custody then not following through. His daughter stayed in Canada with him because she wanted too and son was younger so stayed with his mom but his ex's partner got a 2 year contract in Malaysia to live and work so Chris felt it only fair that his daughter get the opportunity to experience living there along with his son so he sent his daughter back to europe regardless of his own wants. They were both able to visit many countries during those 2 years because of Chris' unselfishness and being unemployed during that time himself, was unable to afford making a trip out there. They have since come back to France and settled there, now living in Paris. Still very far but atleast it is now do-able..hense this trip. Chris is also comforted by the fact that his parents are there also so he gets knews from them with regard to his children as well. I will not go into the crap his ex has caused but I will say she is very fair with regards to her former inlaws.......BACK TO THE PRESENT..

The really cool part of this story is that the kids knew they would be spending their spring break at their grandparents house (Chris' parents)...they have NO IDEA that their dad is showing up HEE HEE. They are going to totally be a fly on the wall tomorrow morning when he walks through the door hehe.

They will have a great time and his daughter even has a birthday while he is there. We also bought loads of stuff for the kids and whole family for him to bring from here. I swear we got a HUGE suitcase but he barely had room for a few clothes with all the stuff we packed lol. We have stuff for everyone, his parents, his brother, his sister and husband and their 2 children, his grandmother, and ofcourse his own 2 children. We have been shopping for 2 months to not forget anyone. I even put together an album of photos for his parents. They don't have a computer so we can't e-mail pics. I wanted his parents to see a glimse of his life here. I put together a bunch of pics taken over the last 3 yrs..some of him working outside, building the pergola, hosing the toilet him and my dad hauled onto the deck (special-moments)...other pics of him wearing socks on his ears, being the Hulk in a store wearing those big green fists, oh and being a rodeo cowboy while riding a violently moving horsey ride in the mall..u know the ones..u put 50 cents in get the picture...many pics of us together. Oddly, our friends love to take pics of us, well its kinda hard not to as I stated before, we are attached at the hip lol...anyway, I added some really cool snowy pics that Chris took last winter infront of the house along with pics of our dog. They hardly get snow in Paris so they are always surprised by the thought of us getting feet of it. ....I am rambling I know.

All in all, I will rejoyce in his time with his kids and family. I will ask for all the details of their days when he calls and even have a huge grin on my face as he tells me. I will hope they all like their gifts and I will make it through the next 12's the nights I am worried about lol...I know already that there will be many a night my old chat pals will see me online to get through those sleepless hours. It has been a very long time since that only other hope is that I don't have disaster Luc days to top off my misery...Luc seems to have the ability to chose the worse possible times to give me those special DAYS FROM HELL...let's all say a prayer for me please lol......

PS....yes I know I am a total wusss but those who count still love me for it SO THERE!!...If you can't vent with friends...u have no place to breath out.


The Witch Doctor said...

Well I love ya just the way ya are Moon... I think the photoalbum was a fantastic idea... we'll have to get all the chatters back together just to keep ya company :D

Anonymous said...

I hope he has a wonderful vacation with his children, Monette. Be sure to keep us updated on all of their escapades!! I well remember those photos of everyone riding the mini horse rides from last summer - I am sure Chris's family will enjoy them as much as we did!

Hang tight sweetie, he will be back before you know it - and just think how sweet that reunion will be!

rfun6 said...

What is that they say? absence makes the heart grow fonder, or something. I know you will miss him.
My hubby can't fall asleep unless I go to bed with him,(he is weird). just joking.
I hope they have fun and safe trip. I wish you could have went and all. But you can't with house guests and all.
I'm betting the sex will be mighty when he returns. He he he.

Anna said...

You are not a wuss...we know how you two are and I know this is gotta be the hardest thing for the both of you. We love ya guys and I'll do my best to distract you as much as possible :p.

Now where did I put that box of magic tricks...

lab munkay said...

Ah Moon, how I relate to your seperation anxity. Next time have him write you a note. "Moon has my permission to do whatever she desires while I am not here." My hubby always leaves me one. Course I have to forge it. Teasing!