I haven't talked much lately about my weight loss. WHY? Because I was forever stuck in a stawl. Very frustrating to say the least when I kept seeing 201 to 205 lbs on the scale for over 2 months...ARGGHH!. Good thing you all didn't hear the obscene expletives used everytime I got on that scale..would make a truck driver blush! I just wanted to break the 200 lb mark!! Then FINALLY I did! I let out a WHOOP and Chris came running in and WHOOPED some more! This happened last week. I didn't blog about it untill I knew it has STUCK lol. That day I was 199.5 lbs ...YES ...Just under the 200 mark, but hey its UNDER! Today it is 197 lbs so I'm glad the process has finally restarted. That day of Whooping, Chris went to work and came home that day with this beautiful bouquet of flowers ..AWE..what a guy.
Many who know little about Gastric Bypass surgery, figure it to be the easy way out. It's a normal thought actually. But untrue. Yes it reduces the stomach size thus restricting food intake. But alot less food means, takes alot less time to digest..and one can become hungry alot faster. In the beginning, eating is baby steps so the weight falls off...it can be painful, difficult and u ask yourself wtf was I thinking. BUT once u start eating more normally, all be it smaller portions, u feel your life get abit easier. That said, even with smaller portions, u always have to watch out for high caloric things...food addicts will always be food addicts so its easy to sneak in stuff, specially if u don't have the dumping syndrome...I don't...but I have tryed to be logical and not gone over board. I have also been working hard on the treadmill and eliptical.many don't. The hard part is dealing with having to eat often, which again goes against what we are used..but that said, we are hungry often because we eat smaller portions. I was stuck for that reason. Nothing was moving. Untill I started changing more things that we eat, I say we, because Chris loves everything I have made from the G I Diet Cookbook . It's what started the motor working again, so here are some more photos of recipes made ...absolutely delicious! Below is White Chicken Chili with low fat sourcream topping on a bed of Basmatic rice.
Below is the Apple crumb recipe but I used Canned peaches instead...worked wonderfully! We loved it!
Below is Chicken Tagine...a terrific Moroccan dish served with Basmatic rice and sprinkled with fresh mint. Just Devine!
Finally , here we have Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Icing...best carrot cake I have ever had, no joke. It's moist and absolutley delicious...without the icing it's a green lite food, like all the others above..meaning u can eat these foods WITHOUT GUILT they are the things u can eat as much as u want foods...with reason ofcourse...like they say, don't eat 12 apples in a day, it's just not smart lol. With the icing it's yellow lite, meaning a few calories, so be careful. But again the icing is made with the lowest fat cream cheese, no fat plain yogourt, some splenda and vanilla..so its very smart as icings go. It's VERY filling so one piece is enough. Let me point out that the part cut out here was enough for 3 servings NOT one lol, I wanted to show the inside of the cake lol.
I hope I haven't made u too hungry lol. I do hope however that some of you go out to get this cookbook, it has been fun cooking and baking new things but knowing they are all EXCELLENT for us with no compromising on taste, is just the Cherry on the top! Also the only reason I have restarted losing weight.
Please share...have u any really great food tips? Or recipe books you know of that give great healthy alternatives? Btw the link to the book I am talking about is inbedded in the title here G I Diet Cook Book.