I went for my 2nd surgery followup in Montreal today. Waited around for 2 hours to spend all of 10 minutes with the doc. Isn't that almost always the way lol. He was very happy with my progress, said my weight loss was excellent. (54lbs lost) Made sure I was taking all my vitamins etc. I told him about my hairloss and he agreed totally with what my own research suggested. I need alot more protein...I am not getting enough. Once I improve that, my hairloss will slowdown and I will help also start taking the silica complex to help with that and the regrowth. It's all good. I don't have to go back for 6 months now YAY!
I did however meet a few nice women while there that had the surgery, all at different times. Hope to keep in touch by email.
Now for my baby Shinoo, our shitzu the bigger of my 2 dogs. She really hurt herself. She was in the yard and came in crying and not able to put weight on her front paw. We could see some blood but couldnt figure out if she was cut between her paw pads or not but could hardly touch her it hurt so much. We sprayed disinfectant all over her paw and carried her to bed hoping she would feel better the next day since it was late at night.
Next morning wasn't better. Chris took her to the vet. Together they looked all over her paw through the fur and could finally tell on of her claws was sticking out longer. Apparently she must have snagged her claw on something and yanked it away. By doing that she totally dislodged her claw...no wonder she was in so much pain! Since it was out more then the others, when she tryed putting her paw down..the claw touched first and hurt even more by moving it more. The vet kept her there so she could take xrays to make sure. So she would know exactly where to cut the claw. She said she would have to go inside to cut it where it needed. It may not grow back or may grow back funky but it needed to be removed regardless. So Chris picked her up the next morning early, with pain meds and antibiotics in hand. She has a paw all bandaged up poor thing....I had visions of little doggy crutches lol.
She was so happy to be home, and even happy to see Clochette who I am sure missed her alot. She will be on meds for awhile and we remove her bandage in a few days. She still favors that foot alot. I had to post a cpl pics of her booboo bandage lol.