Tuesday, August 22, 2006


We finally recieved the wedding book my sister put together for us. It really is unlike anything I have ever seen before. A new take on the traditional wedding album of old. This is a real book. It isn't huge or bulky either, it's only 7'' by 7'' and has about 14 pages but with photo's on all sides...I will stop writting about it now and show u this cool book......
Front of Photo Book by my sister
More inside the book
Inside the book
Please bare in mind that the photo's in the book are clear and prestine...do not judge their quality by the photos I took of the pages with my video camera still image option..they do not begin to compare lol.
Lots of pics together
Back of the book
I love the back cover pic...it just seems so perfect for one and for once the pretty inside of a shoe is finally noticed lol.

Have u seen photo books like this before? It's a first for me but my sister has a photographer coleague of hers that has put many of these together before.
What do you think?....I think it's unique and just plain adorable.


Anna said...

You've been explaining this book to me since before the wedding and I couldn't really picture it. I have never seen anything like it and it is absolutely amazing.

The pictures are wonderful and your sister did an awesome job putting it together, choosing just the right photos for each page. I love it all and yes the shoes side by side is a great back cover.

I just love it!

Rosies Mumble said...

Thats is such a wonderful way to remeber such a lovely day. :)

November Rain said...

looks beautiful

JustSue said...

I love this idea of a wedding album! Less bulky for sure! If and when I ever trot down the aisle again I'll have to bug you to get the info! LOL But seriously, I totally love this unique idea for a wedding album.

Carrie said...

Oh I love this. I have never seen anything like it. If I ever get married, this is something I want to do.

kenju said...

Moon, the book looks fabulous! I really like the way it is done, and I have not seen anything like it before.

Michele sent me tonight.

kenju said...

Darn, I forgot to say congratulations on being Michele's site of the day!!

Theo said...

nothing do enduring as an array of photos, and these are a creative option meant for keeping,

found you through Michele.

MaR said...

Congratulations on your wedding! I LOVE the book, it's very special, I have never ever seen anything like it. It's great! and congrats on being Michele's site of the day!

Student of Life said...

That is so amazing; I've not seen anything like it. That was a wonderful gift that she made.

Student of Life said...

I've not see anything like it; what a wonderful gift. A lovely coffeetable book

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! A wonderful way of remembering that special day.

Congratulations on being Site of the Day!

yellojkt said...

Congratulations on your wedding and being SOTD. The wedding album is beautiful. I would love a book like that.

My wife used iPhotos to put together a very nice photo album of our vacation to Vietnam last year.

Princess said...

Michele sent me!
Congrats on being the site of the day!
What an awesome idea for a wedding idea!
You could go into business :)

Anonymous said...

Wow it looks gorgeous. I like the look of the photos and the book's design! Cool!

Sandy J said...

being one who loves scrapbooking, this one is absolutely beautiful!

Here via Michele's.

... Paige said...

It is beautiful! How lucky you are for such a great sister.
Hi here by way of Michele's today.
Happy life to you & yours

Gypsy said...

What a lovely idea! Gorgeous shots.

Here from Michele's, and congrats on SOTD.

Anonymous said...

That IS a cool book! I like it!

(And congrats on being SotD at Michele's today! :))

Heather said...

I love that idea, and the pictures are so wonderful! Congratulations! :D

Michele sent me!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being Site of the Day at Michele's....
What a gorgeous and most unique wedding album. And no, I've never seen one like this before. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, so much more fun than a regular photo album! I'm shooting two weddings in September, I'll have to keep this in mind :-)

Hi, Michele sent me!

Sarie said...

congrats on your wedding.

Michele says hello.

Tia said...

How gorgeous! Congrats! And happy SOTD too! =) Michele sent me!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Moon, that is one beautiful book! I agree, much better than the traditional wedding album of old! Is there a company that does this? The pics are awesome, you all look so joyous!
Congrats on being SOTD!
I always enjoy stopping by!
Here from Michele's!

Star said...

That is a beautiful momento. I ahve seen book that you can put together with online services. Yours may be the nicest one yet. Michele sent me.

Moon said...

For those who asked for additional info....
My sister(profesional photographer,BRIGITTE BOUVIER) formatted the book with her collegue friend of hers that has done many of these books...as photographers they arrange, fit and size their digital photos to come up with unique pages and designs..then send all the info/data to the publishing house that fabricates the book. It really is a pretty cool little book...I love it

Linda said...

Michele sent me - congrats on site of the day!

What an AWESOME book. guess you have to have decent wedding pictures in order to do that, though. Not an option for me, sigh. But it would make a GREAT baby book too...hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

That is the most awesome thing I've seen! I would have loved one of those!

Congrats on Michele's sight of the day and being a newlywed!

Bess said...

That is really wonderful. I've never seen a book like that before -- it's such a great idea. And I really like the shoe picture on the back, as a neat artistic touch. :)

(The chicken curry turned out great, although the potatoes that I put in there got the crap cooked out of 'em. I can never get the timing quite right on adding everything. Oh well, it was good anyway!)

longspider said...

Hello, Moon - Michelle sent me. What an amazing photo-memory-album-picture-book! And I love the idea of doing one as a baby book, too.

longspider said...

Hi, Moon! Michele sent me. What an amazing wedding photo memory album picture book! I love the idea of making one as a baby book, too.

Karen said...

That is the most amazing wedding book I have ever seen! It's GORGEOUS!! You are so very, very lucky. I wish that we had something like that, but that was almost 23 years ago and nothing like that existed. How very cool!

Congrats on being Michele's site of the day!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen one of those!
It's just lovely - and I agree about the back page!

Becky said...

What a beautiful book and a way to remember the day. A friend of mine put something together like that for her mom with the grandchildren, and it went over quite well.

Came from Michele's:)

Anonymous said...

That is fabulous! I have never seen anything like it and I must know where I can have one done of my kids!!!
ps...Thank you SO much for the information on the potassium bromide. Tojan is so lethargic from the medicine now, but the good thing is that his appetite has increased, he has to sleep a lot but we should see.!
ps2 :nice manicure!

shpprgrl said...

I've never seen anything like it. Totally awesome. It reminds me of my high school yearbooks...but in a good way. That is such a nice keepsake. I'm impressed!

Congrats as well! Here from Michele's!

Mother of Invention said...

Beauty! very unique! Sure couldn't do this 26 years ago when I got married! From Michele's.

C... said...

cool wedding pic book

vanx said...

Unique. Where did you get those shoes?

Moon said...

Wow, I never expected that question and from a man no less LOL!.
I got my shoes in a very nice Boutique in Montreal..if you have been paying attention to style, the pointy tips are all the rage this yr lol, they look lovely on aswell. I purposely got a very simple leather style that wasn't made with that satiny wedding shoe kind of fabric so I could wear them for something else in future. Does that answer your question vanx? lol

sage said...

what a nice gift, great pictures! our wedding pictures didn't turn out very well, so I'm jealous.

sage said...

Oh, here from Michele's

TamWill said...

Wow this is a very unique and lovely book. A true one-of-a kind keepsake.

Here via Michelle

Joy-Joy said...

the book is exquisite! can i have your sister's contact number please? lol