Where to start? It’s been an eventful year for sure. I should start by hanging my head in shame for not doing my xmas cards last year. I could probably go into a pitiful list of absolutely reasonable excuses for not doing them of which I am sure all of you will nod in agreeable unison. So I will omit all of the above and just thank you all now for your utter devotion and understanding.
You all know that Chris and I got married last year in June 2006. As no xmas cards were forthcoming I will update you with some tidbits. The wedding was everything that Chris and I could have wanted. It was small and intimate with very close friends and family, 27 people in all. At the Intercontinental Hotel in Montreal. The ceremony was in both French and English and our reception was lovely with a 5 star service and a lot of dancing, was had by all. I think my dad is still reeling that his oldest and last daughter FINALLY got married. I would bet he keeps a photo of it in his wallet to keep checking that it really happened! I was blessed in having my sister Brigitte as my photographer. She did an awesome job of capturing our special day.
We went to Niagara Falls for a 5 day honeymoon in August. I know, how cliché! It’s as spectacular as it’s said to be. We even had the pleasure of fireworks (HEY! You perverts, I wasn’t referring to HONEYMOON NIGHT FIREWORKS! That would just be too much information!) the fireworks were seen through our 28th floor window, while relaxing in a spa tub full of bubbles! At first we thought it was for our benefit but turns out it’s a regular thing…Who knew?
After all that excitement we had a nice quiet Christmas. I should add that anyone here would say differently. I was somewhat stressed over the holidays last year as I was preparing for a long awaited gastric bypass surgery. It was scheduled for January. There were many preliminary things to do before the actual surgery. It was however, the best thing I could have ever done.
Since having diabetes for the past 3 years and being on more meds then anyone should be on at my age. My health was not good and getting worse with the added problems often related to diabetes.
Within 2 months of my surgery I was able to eliminate most of my meds. Up until now I am almost half the woman I used to be! Ok, not quite half but I have lost over 80 lbs so far and I am now diabetes free! I am however consistently working out.
Speaking of which, I have seen people on TV or elsewhere proclaim and swear that once they started working out, they LOVED it. Having this epiphany they wondered why they hadn’t started years before. Well, I would like to know if one has to have a personal trainer prodding them with an electric zapper to say they had such an epiphany or do they just buy these said epiphanies? Let’s face it most of these people are celebrities who can afford it. If you are one of the lucky ones who own an epiphany and you may have an extra one lying around. MAIL IT TO ME PLEASE! Why? because frankly I spend most of my time arguing. If arguing caused weight loss I would be thin as a rail. If it got a person in shape, I would be an Olympic gold medallist! Who am I arguing with? The voices in my head! When I wake up, one says it’s time to get on the elliptical or treadmill, the other says the gravitational G-forces keeping me in bed are just to strong to attempt getting up. One says it’s the right thing to do while the other says I deserve a break today. On any given day one will get ugly with the other. Oh it can get ugly but I assure you, what’s even worse is the actual work out. There is no better way to say I HATE EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT! Why does 30 minutes seem like a lifetime? I would rather pluck psychotic chickens or hang upside down while singing opera off key in a bat cave. Don’t ask me where those thoughts came from. I’m still scratching my head. So basically you can see why I could really use one of these epiphanies. It would make all this a lot easier. Having said all that, because it’s not easy, the moment I get through that 30 minutes of bodily torture. I have that feeling of blissful OMG I AM FREAKING DONE FOR TODAY! Of that I can be proud.
The down side to the surgery though is that I lost a lot of hair given the initial trauma to the body. Quite common. To fool the eye I had to go blond for less contrast on my head. Got a funky new do, look 10 years younger and have to buy all new clothes. What a total bummer! I can see you all nod in unison again as you commiserate with me.
In other news, we went to Chicago last June to visit friends. Our hosts really showed us a great time and we hope to go back some day. I would have loved to go to an Oprah show but they were on hiatus. I did get a photo of yours truly in front of the Oprah Studios sign! Hey, don’t scoff, you would have too, admit it!
To top that off, my baby, my little girl, my bright ray of sunshine….ok, I’ll stop now. My Cléo graduated from high school last June. Always young for her class, she was 16. She worked over the summer and fall. Had her 17th birthday in September then applied for college and was accepted to start this coming January!! We are very proud of her.
We also have a new addition to the family. We rescued another dog. Yes 3 dogs are more then enough but we fell in love with this goofy guy immediately. It took him no time at all to figure out THE best place to be when yours truly is sitting down. I am covered in dog as we speak. I finally realised the big picture behind my surgery, better health, working out 5 times a week to ultimately result with all this weight loss. It’s all been about having more ROOM in the chair for ME AND 3 DOGS!
We plan a very quiet comfy Christmas season. Our hopes for next year are a spring holiday in France to visit with Chris’ family. Hopefully I can put enough money aside to actually be able to shop in Paris! Hey, stop nodding in unison! I know you don’t mean it this time!
I hope this letter finds you all well. Wishing you a great Christmas and Happy New Year! Lots of hugs from us to you until next year.
Love Monette & Chris x0x0
Michele sent me to say what a wonderful letter. I love the sound of your wedding, and so glad your op went well and you lost so much weight! Good for you! Hope you have a truly wonderful Christmas!
merry Christmas
We posted at the same time, so it looks like you got skipped---BUT, you didn't. I'm here right now from the adorable Michele's....
This will make you feel better: Oprah HATES Excersize. Hate, Hate, Hates it...and she can have 'trainers' up the kazoo....She says she does it in spite of her hatred, because she knows it is good for her...So, no Epiphiny there....!
You have had a wonderful year, my dear, and I hope 2008 will be even better!
A Very Very Merry Christmas to you & yours!
I hate to exercise too, Moon, and I don't do much of it - but I know I need to start. That's a good, newsy letter. So many of them are people bragging about things, and yours isn't like that at all. I am proud of your weight loss and happy for you that you have a wonderful partner and marriage. Merry Christmas to you all!
Hey My Dear...
Michele sent me back again...!
I had never heard that a side effect of Gastric By-Pass was loss of hair...! Interesting! Well, all I know is, you look terrific now and you should be very proud of yourself! Brava to you, and A Merry Merry Christmas, once again!
A nice letter--I just recently converted the Orthodox faith so I can squeeze out almost two more weeks for my Christmas letter (I hope the kid understands why her Santa is late)... Just kidding. Here from Michele's to wish you a Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you and your family ! love, Fran
Merry Xmas from the land down under.
Merry Christmas Moon. WHile you may be only "half the woman" in size, your spirit is truly full in size.
Moon! Joyeux Noel to and your lovely family.
It has been an eventful year for you, but I'll bet it's been one of the most memorable for you!
Have a wonderful holiday, and wishing you health and happiness in the new year.
And keep up the good work! You look fabulous!
I loved this post and feel I learned a lot more about you from reading it. I'm impressed with all you've accomplished! Merry Christmas!
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